Instruments of Control
  • Register


Its operating instrument is the Development Control Manual. This manual outlines general policies and also set out clear procedures and Guidelines for Regulating Development Control Activities within the FCT. It is structured into three main parts namely;

  1. Policy Guide which set out the basis for deciding planning application or condition to be attached to planning permissions
  2. Planning and Development permit which execute the policies by setting out a number  of detailed  guidelines and standards to be met before grant of   permit and;
  • Investor’s guide which provide insight into the procedure/process involved in obtaining development permit.
  1. It also makes conscious attempt at defining in a user friendly manner the Department’s expectation developer and vice –versa. The development control manual derives it power from sub – section 1 to 3 of the FCT Act, 1977 which requires the approval of the authority (FCDA) Prior to any development and urban & Regional Planning Act of 1992 amended 1998, which states inter alia that “Approval of the relevant Development Control Department shall be require for any land  development”.

 A copy of this manual can be obtained in the account section of the Department at Zone 6, Wuse.

Inside DODC